
 AFSE Annual Congress 2022

Welcome to Dijon

The 70th Congress of the French Economic Association (AFSE) will be held in Dijon, France, on June 14-16, 2022.

It is organized by LEDi (Laboratoire d’Economie de Dijon, University of Bourgogne), CESAER (Centre d’Economie et de Sociologie appliquée à l’Agriculture et aux Espaces Ruraux, INRAe, AgroSup Dijon) and CRESE (Centre de REcherche sur les Stratégies Economiques, University of Franche-Comté).

For now, we plan to have an in-person Congress, conditionally on the evolution of the health situation.

Submissions of full papers in any field of economics are invited from academic, government and business economists.



Special issue.

We are pleased to inform you that a special issue containing a selection of papers presented at the conference will be published in 2023 in "Revue d'Economie Politique" (REP, https://www.dalloz-revues.fr/auteurs/rep-auteurs-engl.php).
Even if the journal has a french name, it publishes articles in english.

You can find the submission guidelines at here



The definitive full program is available here.

The definitive detailed program by sessions is available here.

Discussants should contact the authors of the articles they are to discuss. Reciprocally, authors can contact their discussant.

Reminder. If you recently defended your thesis or are about to do it, please fill the following form to participate in the AFSE Job Market: Form.

Wednesday 15th, 4:15 to 6:15 pm: Job Market Non Academic Interview. On registration only. Formulaire

Keynote and Guests Speakers

Special Events

  • Round Table: “Quel rôle des enseignements en économie face aux défis climatiques ?” (Tues.14th)
  • Round Table: “Jobs for Economists: non academic market” (Wed. 15th)
  • AFSE Awards: Banque de France Fundation PhD Award (Tues.14th), AFSE PhD Award (Wed. 15th), Edmond Malinvaud Award (Thurs.16th)
  • Official Cocktail: Banque de France Gardens (Tues.14th)
  • Gala Dinner: Hôtel-Dieu and Medieval Bastion in the city of Beaune (Wed.15th)
  • More to be come


Our partner associations and academics will organize special sessions during the Meeting: Association Charles Gide Society for the study of Economic Thought, Association de Science Régionale de Langue Française (ASRDLF), French Association of Research in Digital Economics (AFREN), French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE), French Association of Experimental Economics (ASFEE), French Cliometric Association (AFC), French Economic Association of Law and Economics (AFED), French Economic History Association (AFHE), French Health Economics Association, French Association in Spatial Statistics and Econometrics (FASES), GdRe Monnaie Banque Finance, GdR Jeux.


We look forward to seeing you in Dijon

Visit the AFSE website: https://www.afse.fr/fr/
Visit the LEDI website: https://ledi.u-bourgogne.fr/
Visit the CESAER website: https://www2.dijon.inrae.fr/cesaer/
Visit the CRESE website: https://crese.univ-fcomte.fr/fr


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